
Thirst for Life in Daslipora Singpora :  A Women's Strug gle for Water June 28,2024   REHANA MAQBOOL ,MEHNAZA AKHTER Every morning, long before sunrise, Posha Khan sets out on a hard journey, often walking several kilometers to get water for her family. With a  pot on her head, Khan braves bad weather and difficult paths. Her determination and strength show the spirit of the women in Daslipora Singpora, who are most affected by this ongoing crisis. Khan's struggle reflects the broader issue faced by over 1,800 households in Daslipora and the 20 nearby villages of north Kashmir's Baramulla district dealing with the same issue. One particularly tough morning, Khan remembers walking on a narrow path through newly planted rice crops. The baby plants were fragile, and the mud was very slippery. As she carefully made her way, she suddenly slipped, falling hard and breaking her leg and the pot. The injury was serious, and it took her almost a month to recover, leaving


  The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health ‌ Introduction Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok boasting billions of users globally. While social media offers significant benefits, such as enhanced connectivity and information sharing, it has also been linked to various mental health issues. This analytical piece examines the multifaceted impact of social media on mental health, considering both the positive and negative aspects. ✅Positive Impacts Social Connectivity and Support ‌Social media facilitates connections with friends and family, providing a sense of community and belonging. For individuals who are geographically isolated or have difficulty forming in-person relationships, social media can offer essential social support. Groups and communities dedicated to specific interests or challenges, such as chronic illness or mental health support groups, provide valuable emotional support a


Capturing the Essence of Sopore's Unassuming Yet Renowned Fish Market   In this  wide-angle shot, the bustling entrance of the Sopore fish market is captured in the early morning light. Vendors are busy setting up their stalls, with fresh fish displayed in colorful tubs, ready to attract the day's first customers. The narrow alleyway, lined with rustic buildings and tangled power lines, adds to the market's unique charm. This image encapsulates the vibrant energy and daily rhythm of life in Sopore, where the market serves as a vital hub for both commerce and community. Vendors swiftly set up their stalls, arranging a colorful display of freshly caught fish with precision and pride, preparing for another bustling day at the market. Vendors stand ready behind their colorful stalls, each adorned with a diverse selection of freshly caught fish. The market hums with activity as customers begin to gather, drawn by the enticing display of seafood awaiting them.       A woven  bask

Dr. Natasha Thakur's Powerful Talk: Raising Breast Cancer Awareness and Promoting Prevention

  Dr. Natasha Thakur's Powerful Talk: Raising Breast Cancer Awareness and Promoting Prevention Rehana Maqbool  Srinagar,November 05 Department of Clinical Biochemistry in collaboration with Health Care committee of the college organised a awareness programme entitled “Awareness Programme on PCOS and Breast Cancer” in the college auditorium on 6th November 2023. The speaker on the occasion was Dr. Natasha Thakur professor Dept. of General surgery, SKIMS. In an enlightening talk on breast cancer awareness, Dr. Natasha Thakur addressed a captive audience.  Dr. Thakur's message was clear women must exercise extreme caution in the face of breast cancer, as they account for a staggering 99% of cases, while males make up a mere 1%. She added this was once a condition primarily affecting older women, and breast cancer is now increasingly prevalent among younger age groups.  Dr. Thakur delved into the multifaceted risk factors, such as gender, age, urbanization, delayed marriages, late

New Research Paves Way For Srinagar-Bandipora Highway’s Landslide Threats

Rehana Maqbool Kashmir, 30 Oct: The Srinagar-Bandipora highway in the rugged terrain of the Northwest Himalayas, has long served as a lifeline for the Kashmir valley. However, this vital highway faces constant threats from landslides. To address this pressing issue, a recent study harnessed the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Google Earth Engine. The study reveals that landslides in the region can stem from both natural factors , such as earthquakes, and human activities, including construction and mining. This phenomenon has established India as the global leader in fatal landslides, with the Northwest Himalayas, including Jammu and Kashmir, making a significant contribution to this alarming statistic. Mohammad Ashraf Ganaie, one of the author of this research said, “It is a story of innovation, challenge, and resilience, offering a promising path forward in securing the lifeline of the Srinagar-Bandipora highway.” In their research, they said, “Landsli